Subscription Services

Termination of Home Electricity Subscription

Termination of Home Electricity Subscription

Please follow the steps below to easily and quickly complete your subscription.

Tesisat Numarası

Find out the installation number for the location for which you want to terminate subscription. A picture of the meter or an old electricity bill will also be enough.


Prepare the IBAN number of your TRY checking account for a refund of the deposit amount. If you do not have an IBAN number, your deposit amount may be returned to you via PTT.


When terminating your subscription, the last indexes will be received from your meter and the energy supply will be cut off. Your consumption for the last period, which reflects your most recent use, will be invoiced.


Any remaining amounts following a set off from the deposit amount will be refunded to you through your IBAN number or via PTT.

Important Notes

  • Please make sure you have your ID card with you if the subscription is in your name, or the power of attorney if it is in the name of someone else.
  • If the subscription you wish to terminate was started before 2008 and is in Aydın, Muğla or Denizli, you can only terminate it by visiting one of our Customer Relations Centers.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is not possible to cancel the contract by showing a marriage certificate as it is not a certificate of authorization. The contract can only be canceled upon application by the subscriber or their proxy (with notarized power of attorney).

No later than five working days after termination of the contract and payment of all the consumer's debts for the subscription in question, the refund is processed via bank transfer or PTT branches, depending on the consumer's choice.

Our Company will inform the distribution company within the same day. The distribution company will cut off the electricity supply to the place of use by obtaining the last index values within a maximum of one day following the date of notification for housing and settlement areas and within a maximum of two days following the date of notification outside housing and settlement areas and within a maximum of two days following the date of notification outside housing and settlement areas.