Who is Isaac Newton? Life and Inventions

isaac newton

Who is Isaac Newton? Life and Inventions

10 November 2023 - Author : Aydem Perakende
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How much of an impact can an apple have on the history of science? An apple's fall, observed by Isaac Newton, not only sparked a revelation but also forever altered the trajectory of scientific thought.

This apple's descent catalyzed Newton's groundbreaking theories that would become the bedrock of modern physics and astronomy. Newton's formulation of the law of universal gravitation, along with his three laws of motion, propelled the scientific method forward through rigorous observation and experimentation.

Our blog delves into Newton's transformative journey from his reluctant roots in agriculture to the zenith of scientific innovation.


Who is Isaac Newton?

Born prematurely on December 25 in 1642 in Woolsthorpe, England, Isaac Newton's survival was uncertain as his early weakness cast doubts over his health. 

The death of Newton's father, a farmer, three months before his birth resulted in his upbringing by his grandmother after his mother's remarriage. Newton's early life was marred by these upheavals, leaving a lasting emotional impact on him.

At twelve, Newton was enrolled at The King's School in Grantham, but domestic demands soon forced him to withdraw and consider a future in farming, as his mother wished. 

Despite his mother's aspirations for him to take up farming, Newton was intrinsically drawn to the intellectual realms of study and contemplation. Contrary to his mother's belief that he harbored an interest in agriculture, Newton was secretly engrossed in the wonders of the cosmos, dedicating his time to studying the stars, conducting observations, and avidly reading and notetaking. 

Persuaded by the persistent encouragement of his former principal in Grantham, Newton's mother agreed to his return to formal education, setting him on a path that would lead to Trinity College, Cambridge, beginning in 1661. Under the mentorship of the esteemed mathematician Isaac Barrow at Cambridge, Newton's exceptional talent did not go unnoticed, leading to his appointment as a faculty member and, at just 26 years old, his election to the prestigious Lucasian Chair of Mathematics. Barrow, the inaugural Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, recognized Newton's extraordinary potential to such an extent that he stepped down from his position, paving the way for Newton to succeed him. 

Who is Isaac Newton?The catastrophic Great Plague that swept through Europe from 1665 to 1667 served as an unexpected catalyst in Newton's life. During the plague, Cambridge University shut its doors, prompting Newton to retreat to his maternal homestead in Woolsthorpe.

It was in the quietude of Woolsthorpe that Newton laid the groundwork for theories that would become the cornerstones of modern science. Immersed in his studies at the farm, Newton made groundbreaking discoveries pertaining to universal gravitation, the properties of light, and the underpinnings of classical mechanics. 

Newton's return to Cambridge in 1667 coincided with the institution's reopening, and he was appointed professor of mathematics just two years later. Newton dedicated three decades to academia in Cambridge, a period highlighted by the publication of his magnum opus, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, in 1687, addressing the complex subjects of mechanics and cosmology. 

His 1704 treatise, Opticks, elucidated the composite nature of white light, revealing its spectral diversity. Opticks, alongside Principia, significantly advanced the scientific domain, guiding future scientific inquiry. 

In his later years, Newton's intellectual curiosity expanded beyond physics into alchemy and theology, influencing his multifaceted legacy. Newton's death in 1727 was marked by an unparalleled reputation, positioning him as a scientist of extraordinary acclaim, unmatched in his era.

Isaac Newton's Discoveries That Made Him “The Greatest Scientist in History” 

Isaac Asimov, an icon of science fiction, acclaimed Newton as the greatest scientist in history, recognizing his transformative impact on the scientific realm. Newton's gravitational theory is widely regarded as a monumental breakthrough in the scientific narrative.

During his tenure at his rural abode, Newton's rigorous observations and experimental pursuits laid the groundwork for his theory of universal gravitation, inspired by the simple act of an apple descending from its tree. While myth portrays Newton's realization of gravity as a sudden epiphany—the fabled Eureka moment—precipitated by an apple striking his head, this dramatized account is unsubstantiated by historical evidence. 

Johannes Kepler had mathematically described planetary elliptical orbits without elucidating the underlying forces; this was the enigma Newton set out to solve. Newton postulated a gravitational attraction between the Sun and planets, a revolutionary concept that he would come to define with precise mathematical laws. His mathematical formulation of gravitational forces marked a new epoch in understanding celestial mechanics.

After mulling over the concept of gravity since 1665, Newton's Principia, published in 1687, encapsulated his groundbreaking ideas. Drawing from the astronomical insights of Galileo and Kepler, Newton resolved many of their lingering scientific conundrums.

Doğa Felsefesinin Matematik İlkeleri
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

Newton's adaptation of a farmhouse room into a dark chamber enabled his pioneering exploration into the composite nature of light through sunlight experiments. Newton was the first to scientifically elucidate the nature of a rainbow, offering an unprecedented explanation of white light's composition. By employing lenses and prisms, Newton dissected white light into its spectral array, uncovering its multicolored essence. 

His innovation extended to astronomy, where he made significant advances with the invention of the reflecting telescope. To overcome the aberrations present in refracting telescopes, Newton pioneered the design of the reflecting telescope, enhancing the clarity and precision of celestial observations. The principles of mechanics laid out by Newton not only revolutionized physics but have endured as the foundational precepts in engineering disciplines. 

Beyond mere empirical observations, Newton's real acclaim stemmed from his capacity to theorize the underlying principles of science as a cohesive framework. Newton elegantly unified seemingly disparate phenomena—like an apple's fall and the moon's orbit—under the universal law of gravitation. These accomplishments underscore Newton's methodical approach to scientific inquiry.

Newton's Laws of Motion

Newton's most profound contribution to science was in the realm of mechanics, where his insights laid the groundwork for classical mechanics. By integrating Kepler's laws with the concept of centrifugal force, Newton's laws of motion not only elucidated the law of gravity but also clarified the relationship between the forces exerted on an object and the object's subsequent movement. 

Comprising three foundational laws, Newton's formulation delineated the principles of inertia, the correlation between action and reaction, and the direct proportionality of force to the product of mass and acceleration. These laws extended their influence beyond physics to philosophy, prompting a view of the universe as a structured and deterministic system. 

Newton's laws of motion can be summarized as follows: 

  • Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform straight-line motion unless acted upon by an external force.
  • The rate of change in momentum of an object is proportional to the applied force and occurs in the direction of that force.
  • For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; the mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

What is Newton's cradle that we are accustomed to seeing on work desks?

Newton'un BeşiğiThe desktop novelty of five balls suspended in a row, known as “Newton's Cradle,” demonstrates a fundamental principle of motion that activates when one ball is pulled and released, setting the others in motion through a series of swings.

Though not directly invented by Newton himself, the device owes its lineage to Newton's laws of motion, hence the attribution of its name in his honor. 

Newton's Cradle exemplifies the conservation of momentum and energy, conceptualized by connecting a series of simple pendulums side by side to form a complex pendulum system. 

The apparatus, consisting of five aligned balls, operates on the principle that lifting and releasing the first ball imparts its energy through a series of momentum transfers, eventually resulting in the elevation of the last ball. This action demonstrates a continuous, reciprocal motion, where the initial lift and subsequent movement of the first and last balls perpetuate in an alternating sequence.

What is the Newton Raphson Method?

The Newton-Raphson method, attributed to both Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, stands out as a seminal root-finding algorithm within the field of numerical analysis. The method facilitates the refinement of approximations to the roots of real-valued functions, enhancing the accuracy of solutions.

Other Remarkable Inventions of Isaac Newton

Newton's intellectual legacy encompasses a multitude of groundbreaking innovations. Among these are his formulation of calculus and his pioneering work on the theory of particles.


Newton, renowned for addressing numerous previously unsolved problems through his discovery of calculus, also became central to a contentious debate that animated the scientific community. 

His discovery, which encompasses the concepts of limits, derivatives, and integral calculus, was concurrently and independently developed by Leibniz. The dispute over who originated calculus first persisted for many years; however, it is now acknowledged that both scientists independently devised their versions of this mathematical framework.

Particle Theory of Light

During an era dominated by the wave theory of light, Newton posited that light's inherent geometric properties indicated it was composed of particles. 

After conducting a series of meticulous experiments, Newton ultimately asserted in his final experiment that light was particulate in nature.

Newton Işığın Parçacık Kuramı

The Groundbreaking Works of Isaac Newton

Newton's seminal work, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), stands as his most significant contribution to science. The publication costs for this influential three-volume treatise were famously covered by the astronomer Edmond Halley, after whom Halley's Comet is named. 

A cornerstone of classical physics, the Principia delineates Newton's laws of motion and his universal law of gravitation. In this tome, Newton favored geometric proofs over the use of differential calculus, which he had helped to develop. 

Newton's work meticulously articulated his theory that bodies exert a gravitational pull on each other, a force directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them. 

Additionally, the Principia is notable for Newton's acknowledgment of Galileo's contributions and his mathematical confirmation of Kepler's laws of planetary motion. The volumes also included propositions for optimal ship design. Particularly, Newton's mathematical analysis of wave motion garnered significant attention in the scientific community.

Newton's other important contribution, Opticks was published in English, contrasting with the Principia's Latin publication. In Opticks, Newton expounded on the nature of light, discussing phenomena such as the dispersion of white light into a spectrum of colors, the principles of reflection and refraction, and the detailed workings of lenses and the human eye. However, this work also delved into topics unrelated to optics, such as metabolism, the creation of the world, and Noah's flood, reflecting Newton's broad intellectual curiosity.

Lesser-Known Fascinating Facts About Isaac Newton

A famous aphorism used by Newton in correspondence with Robert Hooke, a renowned 17th-century Renaissance Man known for his work in astronomy, physics, and biology, has resonated as a life philosophy for many.

In his letter to Hooke, Newton humbly remarked: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” This inspirational quote has been prominently featured on the homepage of the Turkish version of Google Scholar, encouraging others to “Stand on the shoulders of giants.” 

newton simya felsefe
Sophick Mercury Making Manuscript Copy 

Newton's diverse interests also extended into the realm of alchemy, including the pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone, reputed to transform any metal it touched into gold.

There is speculation that Newton's alchemical endeavors, in trying to transmute lead into gold, were influenced by ancient manuscripts he studied. 

Newton posited that transmutation into gold could be achieved by combining certain esoteric substances in precise proportions.

The manuscript in question, reputed to contain a cryptic recipe, is believed to detail the production of sophick mercury, considered a key ingredient in the creation of the Philosopher's Stone. Nonetheless, there is no conclusive evidence to confirm that Newton successfully produced this substance. 


How different do you think our world today would be if Sir Isaac Newton, whose birth was deemed nearly miraculous and who later illuminated the world of science with his groundbreaking discoveries, had never existed? Feel free to share your comments with us in the comments section.


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