
A Meet-up with Students at the İzmir University of Economics Career Days Event

 İzmir University of Economics Talent Management Program

A Meet-up with Students at the İzmir University of Economics Career Days Event

Gediz attended the annual Career Days event of İzmir University of Economics (IUE) in order to keep creating employment opportunities, direct students to the energy sector and ensure that the Talent Management Project continues to fulfill its purpose.

At the Career Days event, İzmir University of Economics brought human resources representatives together with the students and graduates looking for a brighter career. Gediz attended the IUE Career Days event on March 5 which was held at the IUE Conference Hall, where leading companies at home and abroad got together with university students in their respective booths. At the event, human resources representatives of the companies had conversations with the students. The IUE Career Days event also allowed the participants to create a communication network with Gediz to get information about the Company’s recruitment procedures and to apply for jobs and internships.  

Developed for purposes similar to those of the Career Days event, the Talent Management Project has been going on since October 2018 with collaboration between Gediz and İzmir University of Economics. Allowing third- and fourth-year IUE students to gain long-term and hands-on experience in the business world, this project is designed to gain the young and qualified human resource that Gediz wants to hire, and to ensure that the students at İzmir University of Economics are employed in jobs based on their departments and areas of interest.

Gediz Elektrik is an Aydem corporation. 

05.03.2019 07:51

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 İzmir University of Economics Talent Management Program
 İzmir University of Economics Talent Management Program
 İzmir University of Economics Talent Management Program
 İzmir University of Economics Talent Management Program